Hi David. Really interesting post thanks.

Are you seeing equal growth across your three substacks? My worry at the moment is the volume of substacks that are talking about Substack. They are great resources but it needs non susbtack related substacks to prove the model works. If that makes sense?

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Hey Martin! No my main pub is growing a lot faster than the other two, but I think that’s just because it’s prioritised on my profile. It helps feed the other pubs, though.

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I agree David, I wrote an article just like this one only a day ago stating the exact same thing!

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Hi David, I'm a newbie. I am discovering some great tips. The best one is hope (as well as a few more tools).


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I'm just starting off too... still trying to get some traction. Thanks for the tips.

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One of the questions I have is: when you engage on Substack only isn’t there a risk you are just engaging with other writers trying to do the same and it all ends up being a vicious circle? Are there also customers on the platform?

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That's the question I have, too, Carlo. I'm absolutely fine connecting with like-minded, aspiring, and focused solopreneurs like us, but does anyone have any data or even anecdotal evidence that besides getting us to pay to subscribe to each others' Substacks, is this the medium where prospects begin to self-qualify as customers? I'm a newbie, btw. Open to any and all advice.

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Exactly my point. Although I don’t have any clear evidence as yet I believe this is a slow and long game. Eventually it will unlock, with more followers the snowball will keep growing steadily.

More followers here may help give your brand exposure and eventually land some leads.

I’m combining this with being very active on LinkedIn as well.

What seems to be valued nowadays by these platform is people engaging actively through personal DMs and comments.

What you also need (I’m working on it) is a Lead Magnet to help capture more traffic towards your offer.

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Engaging I am. I have a small list - tiny, unbearably small, but I love the writing part, so cant stop.

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Fast? Yes.

Easy? Yes.

But most importantly, it's also a lot of fun!

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Social media used to be the digital media darling. Now, it's "jumped the shark." One should be able to say that about email, but what's old is new again. I'm pleasantly surprised at the popularity of newsletters -- which is one of the reasons I became a "substacker."

My growth goal is 1,000 subscribers by year end (and more followers, too). I appreciate that your strategy is not unlike that we advised with social media: create content regularly, engage with other users, rinse and repeat.

One question: Do you advise creating multiple newsletters as a strategy?

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Love this and your work here and always happy to hear success stories!

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What are tips you have for maximizing notes feature?

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Tested. Substackers love reading and that's one distinct feature from socials. They are easily convertible and can connect with you when you deeply connect with them.

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I 100% agree with you. I fully predict that Substack will be the next big social media platform given the features they are releasing and the mission focus of the Founders and CEO. Medium will always have a place in my heart, but I'm shifting more of my focus to Substack. Thanks David!

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Thanks for your post. I’ve just started to think this way. Building anything is hard, I’ve had to change my way of thinking. To build a community you need to be involved in that community. Thanks for the lesson.

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Thanks for this analysis. It’s good to know tag growth within the platform -in tandem with Medium (my favorite of the platforms) is possible.

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Great read and truth comparing an email list vs traditional social media

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Do you use a specific email provider like ConvertKit to send emails to your subscribers?

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Why is it faster than other solutions?

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