Perseverance and a thick skin paid off! I suppose you have to ignore those who are not interested or who ignore you, and press on with your purpose.

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The hand to hand combat for growth is overlooked all the time.

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TBH I’m curious about this because I NEVER like who cold DMs me and it ALWAYS feels spammy. And most often is.

And the few cold emails I’ve wondered about (is that spam?) I never answer them back. It *seems* like a LOT of effort for a *small* return.

But you’ve got my attention. ☺️

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Love this! I'm actually in a cold-email phase and it does work, but it's a long process on top of the volume. I go through a few meetings before closing a deal, mind you, it's usually worth 4-5 digits, so well worth the effort, but still. Always good to hear of a better way!

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Cold emailing and messaging is underrated. But what many don't realize is that it's a numbers' game. Heavy numbers.

Conversion rate usually is in the low single-digits. So you need to send hundreds of messages every month.

Do you confirm?

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