You would think your point would be obvious to everyone, but clearly, it isn't.

I especially like the baseball cap story. Clever illustration!

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Jun 3Liked by David McIlroy

Sage advice.

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Thanks for this - some days, we need to hear it.

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The 6-figure biz chatter does my head in and it’s everywhere. It’s so easy to get sucked up into the aspirational and forget that for most people that isn’t the reality.

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Thanks for this piece! It spoke to a lot of different things for me personally, and especially as someone who is slowly but surely becoming more and more comfortable with just being me.

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There's danger also in case studies. Success is the result of many factors . Some are always outside of our control.

Case studies usually isolate some of this factors. But it's like trying to guess the exact doses of the ingredients in a cocktail after taking a sip.

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I totally agree, and I would say this applies to our private life too. If we aren't being authentic, how on earth are our fellow weirdos going to be finding us? 😉

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Great advice! Another way to highlight the achievement of others to do an interview series. Actually speak to the people who are doing what you aspire to do, and share that with your audience.

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Love this! When my first husband and I were living in Germany, we watched a Penn State game (where he did his Master’s) in Ireland! (I'm onto a much better second husband but that's beside the point 😅) The story, though, nicely illustrates the be yourself bit and it was a lovely anecdote rk share. 😊 I guess if you do want to have conversations with strangers in airports wearing some kind of sport’s something or other or a jumper advertising your hometown/country/university, etc is a good talking pojnt. 🤣

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This is one of my biggest pet-peeves, lol. It existed before to a degree, but it seems since the advent of the internet everyone thinks themselves an expert because they read an article or watched some YouTube video. Those who come to offer advice on farming after having read/watched some other farmer, but lacking any actual farming experience get little respect from me. Come walk a mile in my shoes, and *then* we can talk. It's the same with any business and the individual will gain a lot more, I think, by being honest about where they're at─and by not trying to shove their propaganda down my throat. What if I don't *want* to make 6-figures? What if I care more about the Earth and the quality of my existence???

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This is exactly what I needed! Thank you!! I am Hung up on the "I'm not an expert, but love my subject (history)" I'm trying to write what I'm passionate about (and learning) but I'm having such a hard time getting a system going to make it consistent.

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I have been Christine on the sidelines laughing as old man after old man has told my husband to take off his New York Yankees cap because we're in Toronto. LOLLLL. He just likes the hats! He's actually from New Jersey and has sported a Nets one occasionally, but a navy blue Yankees hat just looks great with almost everything. This year, he finally picked up a Toronto Blue Jay's cap, having not ever watched more than 5 minutes of a baseball game, so we'll see how that goes.

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This. This has been on my mind so much lately. It’s so important to be who you are in a world where so many are pretending to be someone they aren’t.

But you can wear any hat you want :)

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